Wednesday, March 22, 2006

"Waiting is the hardest part"

No baby yet! I have to say that this is the hardest part of being pregnant. It is a little nerve racking to know our child could decide it's time to come at any moment. Russell sits around at night and stares at me in anticipation. It's kind of funny (and kind of not). We solicit your prayers for peace and comfort for these last few days to put this time into God's hands and enjoy all of the blessings He has given us TODAY!
Here are some pictures of our wonderful friends Kurtis and Angela's little boy that was born on Saturday! What a little angel!

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Empathy Belly

Our bags are packed and we are ready to go! Less than 2 weeks until baby is due and we are making last minute preparations. It's hard to believe we will be parents in such a short time! Here are a few pictures taken in our Prepared Childbirth class we took at Baylor. Russell loved learning what it was like to be pregnant. He said "it wasn't so bad" huh! That's just cause he only had to wear the belly for 5 minutes!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

In Memory of Warrior

I know this may seem a little strange, but I want to dedicate this entry to one of my sister's horses at Little St. Simon's Island. As many of you know, Rachel is a horse LOVER and is in charge of all the horses at Little St. Simon's Island (the resort where she works.) This morning she lost one of her favorite horses named Warrior to colic. She is very sad and mourning his death as she is very close to all of her horses. Russell and I got the chance to meet him this summer. Russell even got to ride him on a trail ride. He was a good and gentle horse and will be missed! Here is a pic of Russell on Warrior. I am on his girlfriend Savannah.