Friday, April 24, 2009

Matching Bitty Baby, the park, and new hair

NEW HAIR!!! AGGHH! I went and got my hair cut off today on a whim!! What do you think??(PS: I realize I look like a dork in this picture...It was a self portrait taken while I was watching the kids play at the park)
Seriously...Hollee has way more energy than anyone I know!!!
Not sure what she was telling me...but this is a face I see a lot these days...They should be called terrible three's NOT terrible two's!
Cassidee is fearless!!!

4 moms= 12 kids three and under..yeah, I said that right.
A got a bitty baby from my mom for Christmas this year and LOVES it! I found these matching dresses at TJmaxx a few weeks ago and had to get them. When I got her dressed she said "Mommy, please take mine and bitty baby's picture."


Melanie said...

Love the new look!!

Kylea Hapka said...

LOVE the hair! I also love the picture of Annaleigh on the swing!

the campbell family said...

Your hair looks great, very chic! And the pic with Bitty Baby is very sweet, she is so pretty in pink.

Stacey at Giggles and Glue Sticks said...

Hey friend! I've just recently become addicted to the blogging world. Ugh. Just one more thing, I suppose. But it is fun. Like catching up with a good friend over a cup of coffee. So here are my comments...
1. Your hair is adorable. Adorable.
2. Your family is adorable. AdOrAbLe.
3. Your "Life of Laurie" banner thingy on your blog...again...adorable.
4. The Life You've Always of my favorites. On the bookshelf...should probably re-read it.
5. You need to take a field trip to Austin.

Suzanna said...

Wow--that's the shortest I've ever seen it! I like it! Post more pictures so I can see it more.
And show me more of Hollee's trio too! I want to see those little munchkins up close!

LB said...

Love the hair! So cute! And I totally agree that it was terrible threes for us, not terrible twos! :) Sorry . . .

*Kendra* said...

Love the hair. Loved playing at the park. Love that my kid and your kid play together so well. Love you!