Hello. My name is Laurie and I am a Diet Dr. Pepper-aholic. It is sad, I know. Justification: I only have one or two a day so it's not that bad, right?? Okay. I know the real culprit is my teensy addiction to caffeine...but I still can't help loving the stuff. It's my only vice in life!! What is your favorite food or drink vice??
An Answered Prayer Of A Lifetime
5 months ago
Diet coke, Starbucks frappachinos (I know, not going to help me lose the baby weight), and tea. Must be the caffeine thing, too!
I'm definitely addicted to caffeine. Every few months, I quit it cold turkey b/c I think I'm having too much caffeine. Within a few weeks, however, I'm back to the old habit!
Sorry.... that's Angie above. I didn't realize my husband had his gmail going, so it's making comments in his name.
My vice is real Dr. Pepper, especially when its from the fountain. Nothing is better than that fizzy feeling going down your throat. I love it! However, the real thing doesn't go well with keeping weight under control so I use it as a treat now. Boo! In college I practically had a Dr. Pepper i.v. in my arm. sick.
i'm a starbucks girl--lattes and vanilla lattes. but i do love me a dr. pepper with mexican food!
Have you tried Coke Zero? It's so good. I probably have 2 or 3 a day starting out with breakfast. Guess I'm addicted.
black coffee!
You already know Starbucks are my weakness! I have gotten a little better...I am only getting it twice a week...I just can't help that it is within walking distance of work.
Ohhhh, I have lots of vices. Coffee (w/ hazelnut creamer), Reese's Big Cups, and (since pregnancy) sweet tea. All of those things do wonders for the figure :)
I love the real deal- Dr Pepper original!! It's my all time fav!
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