Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The Modern Toddler

She plucked it right out of my ear and knew exactly what to do. I am sure she is discussing what to download on her ipod with her playdate friends. I have my hands full, folks.


Hollie Reese said...

That is too funny! Congrats on the walking! That is great!

Blessed said...

Cute!!! :)

Angie said...

That's really funny! I see expensive cell phone bills in your future!

Abigail and Ansley said...

Hilarious! She is so adorable!

Stacy said...

love it! Drew loves calling his buddies and "talking" to them. Isn't it funny how much the kids pick up from us?!

Carrie, The Modern Housewife said...

Very funny. My phone recently took a dive into the dog's water & no longer functions.

Carrie, The Modern Housewife said...

Hey, how many recipes do you think you would need to make a good cookbook fundraiser? It's not looking good. Right now I have 10 (and 5 are from me.)

Cassey said...

Hey Laurie ! I randomly found your blog. Annaliegh is getting so big. it's amazing how fast time goes bye