Thursday, April 03, 2008

Birthday weekend

Here are a few pics from A's party last Saturday. My pictures didn't turn out so great so I am waiting on ones from my friend and mother-in-law...I just thought if I didn't post now I would forget altogether!

We were so happy Aunt Leslie and Uncle Brad trekked back over to Grapevine on Sunday for church. We went to Babe's in Roanoke for lunch...yum, yum. Fried Chicken!!

A let me snap a few pictures of her when we got home...and yes, I did bribe her with CANDY!!


Stacy said...

Happy Birthday to you Ms. A!!!!!!!!!

A Cincy Mama said...

Happy Birthday, cutie pie! We miss you and your precious mama. Lots of love from Cincinnati.

Suzanna said...

What great pictures of our big TWO year old...WOW! Happy Birthday, Annaleigh!