Sunday, September 28, 2008

This was a conversation I had tonight at our church fellowship event:

Amber: Laurie, um, here's annaleigh.
Laurie: OK
Amber: Well, I brought her over here because she was over at the food line and I helped her...
Laurie: Helped her do what?
Amber: Well, when I walked over she was taking a fork and eating butter straight from dish on the food table.
Laurie: (Blank stare. Mouth open. Speechless. Mortified.)

I have a few things to add in retrospect:
1.) Thank you Amber!
2.) My kid is going to get coronary artery disease because of my lack of supervision.
3.) I think Ranch Dressing and Ketchup are now the least of my concerns.


Suzanna said...

Hahahaha...I used to sneak and eat butter straight as a kid. And I've talked to other people that have done the same thing. It turns my stomach now, but I think it is normal at that age.

Amber Rader said...

LOL! Your daughter cracks me up :)

Angie said...

Ha!! :)

Bunch of Oranges said...

ok my comic relief of the night! LOVE it! I love kids!

Kimberlie Reese Denham said...

Butter....yikes! She is a character....I hope to meet her one day!

Great hearing your voice tonight Laurs. I am so proud of you for working hard to do what you always wanted to do! You amaze me!
