Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Last Night

We waited 6 (yes, 6) hours to meet The Pioneer Woman last night and it was SOOOO worth it. She was so nice and kind and gracious and told me how beautiful my daughter was and gave us all free t-shirts! She talked to us for a minute or two and I asked her if she knew it was 1 AM. She just said "Honey, I won't even let myself look at the clock, I am just so happy to talk to every person here" ...did I mention there were like 700 people there?? And she talked to every person..including my husband who was patiently waiting safely in the background. She told him I owed him Big for waiting that long! I think she was right! More pictures to come....


Becky said...

OH MY GOSH!!! 1 am?????? That's so cool that you met her! I love her!!!

the campbell family said...

AWESOME! I am so jealous that you got to meet her. I love her website and all the things I've cooked from it are wonderful. And Annaleigh is looking so grown up and beautiful!

The Parker Family said...

I just got my cookbook in the mail this and LOVE IT! That is awesome that you met her. Way to be a trooper and wait 6 hours!

LB said...

Ooohhhh! She is coming here next week - but I hope I don't have to wait that long!